Monday, March 19, 2007

Final report

My final report is available here (follow the link). I definitely enjoyed to work hard on this project. I also learned a lot from the others CSE190a projects. Thank you all!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Final review

Here is a link to the final presentation. It summarizes the overall approach of the project and the results I got.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Feature correspondence

As NCC and SIFT are not suited to find correspondences in fingerprints (a minutia point looks like an other minutia point), I tried to design my own algorithm. Serge advised me to imitate what humans do when tring to find correspondences between two sets of points: here is the simple algorithm I wrote.

The overall idea is to compute for each point in the two sets, a feature vector, and then compare the features using a feature distance.

Let's consider a minutia point M. The main idea, shown on the next picture, is to consider the 3 closest points around M, we can call them M1 M2 and M3. The distance between M and M' will be found using the euclidean distance between M1,M2,M3 and M'1,M'2,M'3. This can not be done directly and a few adjustments need to be done.

First of all, the orientation of the points may not be the same due to the print rotation. We need first to rotate all the points of an angle equal to the ridge orientation of M.
The indexing of the points may not correspond: for example M1<->M'3, M2<->M'1, M3<->M'2. So we need to compute the sum of the distances between the 3 correspondences, for all the permutations of the points: we then take the minimum of these. If the minimum is small, it means that the 3 points around M are in the same relative position as the 3 points around M'.

This is an algorithm based on 3 points assuming that there is no false minutia point. A 1 point distance, that can allow 2 false minutiae points is simply the minimum over all the distances between the points. If for example only M2<->M'3, then the distance will be small.

I used an indermediate 2 points distance, which gives quite good results. This is based on the same idea but for 2 points: it is the minimum of the sum of the distances between every two pairs of correspondences. For example: M1<->M'3, M2<->M'1 (M3 and M'2 may be far away from eachother). This method combines the advantages from the 1 and 3 points distance (robust to noise and accurate).

For the final step, I compared for each minutia point M the distance to the minutiae points in the other set and took the 5 smallest distances: those 5 points are said to be the the correspondences of M. This is then fed to Ransac, which greatly help to find quickly a solution (a solution is found, when there is one, in about 100 iterations).

This week end I also implemented the refinement method for Ransac. It helped sometimes to go over the limit of 10 matching points in both cases (false accept and true reject).

The next step is to tune a bit more the algorithm and run it on the testing set. I will be able to do 100x100 comparisons, but not 600x600.

As an hall of fame: I found 2 prints in my training set that are said to come from the same finger, but cannot see any similarity.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Minutiae points detection and matching

I have been working on minutiae points detection using template matching. The goal was to find a filter that, when applied on the enhanced print, pops out the bifurcation and ridge endings.

After trying some real minutia point template in various direction, I decided to create a template using maths functions. The main motivation is because it allows to orient the template in any direction without problems in filling the holes of the rotation. It is also convenient because it can be tuned easily. I did not remember having seen this kind of approach in the literature or the net, but it is attractive and quite powerful. I used interpolated cosine wave functions with different frequencies.

Due to the duality of ridge ending and bifurcation, the enhanced image has to be filtered using two filters. This can be done by inverting the image, or the filter, or rotating the filter of 180°. I chose the first solution even if it is not the faster one. Then the local maxima of the two filtered images need to be extracted and merged together (a threshold can be adjusted here). The next picture shows all those steps.

After having the minutiae point position and direction, I tryed Ransac on different prints even if I do not specify correspondences. The next picture shows that the two fingerprints are considered to match.

I also made functions to save and load minutiae points from a text file, which allows me to begin some tests. The first impression is that is is very slow, because I compute for each pixel the corresponding oriented Gabor filter and minutia template. It takes 15 seconds to enroll a print. It also take 10 seconds to do 5000 iterations of Ransac. An other thing that can be improved is to use pointers and increment them instead of using the convenient function cvGetReal2D(img, i, j). The second impression is that I do not have false accepts, but some true rejects. That is because I mainly tune the program on good quality prints. Also Ransac need correspondences to work accurately and decrease those rates.

Next steps:
- Find correspondences: I tryed to run David Lowe's SIFT algorithm, but it gives features of 1 pixel size. Moreover, It founds more than 2000 features. I may also try Normalized Cross Correlation.
- Do the draft report.
- Test and tune the program.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Gabor filters are cool

A picture worth more than a thousand words, so I am going to explain briefly what I did, and then show the results.

- I tryed SVD on the covariance matrix of the gradient versus averaging the gradient, and SVD gives better results. It provides an estimation of the reliabilit
y of the orientation (using the ratio of the two eigenvalues). The ridge orientation is given by the orientation of the vector having the smallest eigenvalue (which is positive because the covariance matrix is symetric).

- I change the color legend used to plot the orientation. HSV color space is used: Hue for the orientation (0°=red, 120°=green and so on), Saturation is maximum (full color), and Value is the max eigenvalue normalised in the overall image (I notice writting this post that it needs to be the ratio of the eigenvalues instead). Orientation directions are the same length on the picture.

- In order to get the orientation for each pixel in the image, orientation is bilinearly interplolated using the orientation computed on the small windows.

- Finally, I applied Gabor filters to enhance the fingerprint. For each pixel, given the orientation, I compute the Gabor filter having that direction (it is really expensive, but I was lazy to precompute a bank of filters). This gives a pretty neat nearly black and white image, where ridges are clearly visible. As the authors of "the handbook of fingerprint recognition" advised, I fixed the standard deviation of the gaussian in x and y to 4. I used a sine wave instead of a cosine (against what is used in the book), so that the average value of the filter is 0. The frequency of the sine wave can be set, but I did not estimate the local ridge frequency. I will do that later on.

Here is the picture summing up the results:

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Ridge Orientation

First of all, since minutiae points detection has to be trainned using fingerprints, I separate evenly my database into the trainning set and the testing set (about 600 prints each). I then separate the trainning set into 2 subsets, which will allow me to do trainning-testing cycles without using the original testing set. The fingerprints were downloaded from the FVC (Fingerprint Verification Competition). Of course, I will not use the testing set until the end of the project.

Then, the first set in minutia detection is to estimate rigde field orientation. This allows to find the local orientation of the ridges. In the handbook of fingerprint recognition, several methods are presented. I programed the first one, which is directly inspired from CSE166.

Using Sobel filter, I compute the gradient in x and y of the image (Ix and Iy). Then, for each pixel in the image, I can compute the orientation and the norm of the gradient and plot it. The orientation is a number between 0° and 180° representing the angle from the x axis. Since it is influenced by noise and difficult to plot, we need to compute an average inside a small window (let's say 8x8). A trick is used to average the angles: because we don't want that the average of 10° and 170° be 90°, the angles are doubled. Averaging 20° and 340° gives 180°, which is the right direction angle (same direction as 0°).

One thing to notice is that the orientation given by the formula atan(Iy/Ix), is not the direction of the ridge. We need to add Pi/2 to it.

I had some problems to plot the direction of the minutiae points. I was first testing it on a circle image:

After I got it working right, I then tryed it on a fingerprint using a 4x4 window. Here are the original print, the direction field thresholded, and height map (the norm field).

Some issues to test:

- what is the right size of the small window?
- Using an other method, based on SVD on the covariance matrix of the gradient.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Ransac in action

Here is a video showing how ransac works. After some iterations, the right transformation is found (does not show up well at the end of the video).

Sometimes, after the transformation, all the points are aligned, or shrinked onto one point. Thus the number of matches may be high. To avoid that problem, I verify that the transformation spread the points by computing the determinant of A (the rotation, scaling, shearing matrix). If is under 0.1, It means that the transformation is not valid, and it doesn't worth counting the number of matches.

I choose to compute only the determinant and not the ratio between the norm of eigen values because it is quite expensive. This may be added later if needed. From now, all my test sets involve rigid transformation (rotation+translation), so the determinant is equal (or close) to 1. I think there will be some scaling effect between the natural fingerprints I have, but It may not be too important (the ratio may stay between 0.5 and 2).

Then, I generated an other print in two position. For each position, I made 5 groups of minutiae points (colored in red, blue, cyan, green and yellow), that are the corresponding points.

The colors allow to load an image and run ransac on it. It does a good job by finding the transformation (not shown here).
I then delete about 2-3 points in every set and every group of colors: in each picture, 13 points are thrown away. Initially, there were 49 points in each set, now there are only 49-2x13=23 corresponding points and 26 outliers (13 in each set). Ransac do not care about outliers and still finds the transformation as this picture shows.

I will explain later the statistics involved in ransac algorithm, why it is important to find a small subset of correspondences, how estimate the error we can make (false acceptance and false rejection).

I still need to refine the transformation using matching points (see if it increases the number of points), and then I am going to begin the detection of minutiae points and creation of a feature vector. I will need to have a closer look to the fingerprint database, and separate evenly in two subsets: one for the testing, one for the training.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Matching algorithm coding

This week end, I coded a simple version of the matching algorithm. I am using OpenCV library, and defined some C++ classes: minutiaPoint, minutiaePoints. I coded the function that find the optimal affine transformation between N correspondences (that is mainly used for N=3, that gives an exact solution).

I coded the ransac algorithm using the transformation function. It needs 2 sets of minutiae points, each minutia in the first set has some correspondences in the other set. Then 3 points are chosen randomly in the first set, and their correspondences are chosen randomly in the set of possible correspondences.

To see the results, I used the minutiae points posted last time. The red crosses correspond to the first set of points, the green ones are for the second set. The first image is the unmatched version (surimposed points).

Then find and apply the transformation using 3 close points (in green in the bottom of the image). This gives a first alignment, which is not so good (especially with far points).

Then I used 3 far points to estimate the transformation (one at the top, one on the left, one at the bottom). The alignment is better.

The best alignment found is by using all the 27 minutiae points and estimating the transformation. This shows that in ransac, it is good to reestimate the transformation using all the inliers found (the points that are found to match). It is not good to estimate the transformation using all the points as there are a lot of outliers that will influence the results. That's the job of the ransac algorithm: get rid of the outliers.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The ideal case

Here is an example of what the ideal case in fingerprint identification can be. I generate the two fingerprints using the program Sfinge from the university of Bologna, Italy. It allows to generate a synthetic fingerprint by changing a lot of different parameters (orientation, dryness, orientation, scratches...).

Here I generate the ideal fingerprint (best contrast, no noise, no scratches). This case never happens in reality but shows what my program should do without problems. First of all minutiae points are found (in red on the picture): I did it manually, I will deal with that automatically later. I show only the points and not the orientation since only the points are used for matching. The two fingerprints come from the same finger, and I vary only the rotation and translation between them. We should be able to find a 2x2 matrix A and a vector 2x1 B such as for each corresponding point on the left Li, and on the right Ri we have the formula:
Li=A.Ri + B

This a linear transformation (translation, rotation, scaling and shear). As there are 6 degrees of freedom, we only need 3 corresponding points (3 on the left, 3 on the right). I will use the same method as in homework7 of CSE166: here the solution will be an exact inverse (not a pseudo inverse with an over determined equation). Two problems need to be solved: how can we find the correspondence between the points, and how can we find the best fitting transformation?

To find the correspondences, I need to compute some vector containing features that is not influenced by rotation, translation, noise. Then the corresponding points will have approximatelly the same feature vector. This is a way to reduce the combinatorial size of the problem. Thus a point will have a reduced set of correspondences. I will deal with this issue later using SIFT or other feature detection algorithm.

To find the transformation, I will use Ransac on the corresponding points previously found. The algorithm will be:

n=3: number of random points (we use the minimum number of points)
k: number of iterations required
d: number of matching points required to assert that the transformation fits well
R0, θ0: threshold used to identify that a point fits well

The algorithm is based on this process:
- We take n random points both in the template and input sets among the correspondences.
- We find the transformation from the template random points that gives the imput random (L=A.R + B)
- We count the number of points which match (using md function) after applying the transformation to the all the template points. That will give a score (using the distance between the points) of the matching.
- If we count d matching points, then we approximate A and B using the matching points, and using the least square solution (pseudo inverse).
This process is repeated k times.
At the end, the solution is given by the A and B having the greatest score. We may end having no solution, in that case, we need to increase k, and/or improve the correspondence matching algorithm.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Matching figure

This figure shows the different situations we can find when trying to match minutiae points. This figure is used to explain the presentation of the matching problem (see next post).

Minutia point matching

This week end, I analyse the problem of matching two sets of minutiae points. First, I give in a formal form the problem we need to solve, and then explain an algorithm (Ransac) that can be employed to approximate the solution.
I used the book Computer Vision: a modern approach and the Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition.

Problem formulation:

Let T and I be the template and input fingerprint we are trying to match. We said that we store the position and orientation of the minutiae point. I and T may not have the same number of feature points: let m and n be the number of points for T and I.
T={m1,m2,}, with mi={ xi, yi, θi} i=1..m
I={m'1,m'2,...m'n}, with m'j={ x'j, y'j, θ'j} j=1..n

Two minutiae points mi and m'j are considered to match, if their position and orientation are close. This can be written with a mathematical formula, using the spatial distance (sd) and direction difference (dd):
sd(mi, m'j)=sqrt( (xi – x'j)² + (yi – y'j)² ) < R0
dd(mi, m'j)=min( | θ'j – θi |, 360 - | θ'j – θi |) < θ0
where R0 and θ0 are the two tolerance parameters we can adjust. Those inequalities come from the classic euclidian distance in 2D and the circularity of angles.

Let mm be the function that says if two minutiae points are close or not i.e.
md(mi, m'j)=1 if (sd(mi, m'j) < R0 and dd(mi, m'j) < θ0 ), 0 otherwise.

Now, we try to match the points i.e. finding a transformation:
y=map(x), for all points x in the 3D space, it returns an other point y.
We need a pairing function P:
P(i)=j means that the mate of the mi in T is the minutia m'j in I.

Finally the matching problem can be written as finding map and P that maximise
sum( md( map( m'P(i) ), mi ) )

Ransac algorithm (RANdom Sample Consensus):

n: number of random points
k: number of iterations required
d: number of matching points required to assert that the transformation fits well
R0, θ0: threshold used to identify that a point fits well

The algorithm is based on this process:
- We take n random points both in the template and input set.
- We find a transformation from the template random points that gives the imput random
- We count the number of points which match (using md function) after applying the transformation to the all the template points. That will give a score (using the distance between the points) of the matching.
This process is repeated k times, and stop if we count d matching points.

Some questions:
In the ressources I used (books, cse252B website), we can use n=7 or 8 matching points. This comes from some properties of the epipolar geometry, with a linear transformation. Homogenous coordinates are used (a third coordinate is added), and the transform matrices are 3x3.
Here are some questions I need to answer:
- How can we find the linear transformation between two sets of points? Is the order of the points important (pairing)? Why 7 or 8 matching points?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

First post

In order to have a first introduction to fingerprints, I watch a presentation made by Dr. Anil K. Jain. He is a University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University, and did a lot of research on biometrics and especially fingerprints. The video and the slides are available here.

This video help me to have an overview of the work and research I need to do. Here are some points I found important. This slide shows the classic process for identification:
- in the first step (enrollment), the digit is scanned, and minutiae points are extracted. Then, only this information is stored in a database, not the whole scanned image.
- in the second step (authentication), the digit is scanned and minutiae points are extracted again. Then those points are matched (or not), with an other set of points stored in the database.

When we extract minutiae points, we try to find as much points of singularity as we can. They are of called either ridge bifurcation or ridge ending. Actually, we store the position information (x,y) and the angle of the ridge. We may extract core and delta points, which are characteristic points where the flow field of the ridges changes quickly. We also may store the type of the fingerprint to improve the speed of the algorithm.

Why do we use minutiae point matching and not image matching?
Most of the information in image is contained in the minutiae points. Every scan of a digit are different. It is really hard to match two images since there can be linear transformation between the two scans (rotation, translation, scaling and shear), plus other non linear transformation (elasticity of the skin, digit pressure), and noise coming from the sensor and the dryness of the finger.

I am currently learning how the RANSAC algorithm works, why it is used, and the mathematical background of it. I read the paragraph explaining the process in the book « Computer Vision: a modern approach », from David A. Forsyth and Jean Ponce (page 346). I need to go deeper in the details, so I am going to read the Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition from D. Maltoni, D. Maio, A. K. Jain, S. Prabhakar, and other web references.